SSBCI Annual Compliance Certificate

  • The undersigned, being authorized by the Company, hereby certifies on behalf of the Company to Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated (“CII”), in connection with that certain funding of SSBCI Financing(s) (as defined in the SSBCI Certification Agreement, as defined below) extended/made by CII to and for the benefit of the Company prior to the date hereof, and pursuant to that certain State Small Business Credit Initiative Certification Agreement between the Company and CII (as amended and in effect, the “SSBCI Certification Agreement”), that:
  • 1. As of the date below

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  • 2. As of the date below, the representations, warranties and certifications of the Company set forth in Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 of the SSBCI Certification Agreement are true and correct.

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  • 3. If Exhibit B of the SSBCI Certification Agreement has been completed and delivered by the Company in connection with the SSBCI Financing(s), the representations, warranties and certifications of the Company set forth in Exhibit B of the SSBCI Certification Agreement are true and correct as of the date below.

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  • 4. If Exhibit C of the SSBCI Certification Agreement has been completed and delivered by the Company in connection with the SSBCI Financing(s), the representations, warranties and certifications of the Company set forth in Exhibit C of the SSBCI Certification Agreement are true and correct as of the date below.

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  • 5. As of the date below, the Company has not breached any of the covenants of the Company set forth in the SSBCI Certification Agreement, including without limitation Section 2.

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  • 6. The financial statements of the Company delivered concurrently with this Compliance Certificate, and the other information provided by the Company under this Compliance Certificate, are true and accurate as of the date below.

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    • The undersigned shall promptly report, in writing, to CII any changes to the information contained under this Compliance Certificate. ANY FALSE STATEMENT MADE HEREIN IS PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS A MISDEMEANOR UNDER SECTION 53a-157b OF THE CONNECTICUT GENERAL STATUTES. In Witness Whereof, the undersigned has executed this Compliance Certificate as of the date indicated below.

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